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Ready to Start an New Journey in Spring|SixF 2023 Launch Con

Setting out is the best start! Setting out is the most beautiful posture! Setting out is the most meaningful answer!

Metalaxyl-M 0.3% + Azoxystrobin 0.5% GR is Starting a New Ch

On February 17th, SixF and Zhuofeng Agriculture held a strategic large-scale product exchange meeting in Weifang City, Shandong Province. At the meeting, SixF’s Metalaxyl-M 0.3% + Azoxystrobin 0.5% GR was highly praised by customers.

Frontline SixFers are Busy, Living up to Agricultural Season

During the spring equinox, flowers bloom, peaches are red, willows are green, and plants grow rapidly. Various crops such as wheat, rice, rapeseed, fruit trees, and vegetables enter a critical period of management. In farmland across the country, the